KI welcomes members to undertake a project or help on a committee:

Co-Presidents: Eva Siegel and Sandy Krevsky

Building Committee
Members assist in standard repairs and maintenance projects
Contact: Barry Gordon

Cemetery Committee
Coordinate burial arrangements and oversee property maintenance
Contact: Fred Sandow


Chesed Committee
Via Care Calendar and Lotsa Helping Hands, coordinate meals and chesed for new parents, mourners and people who are convalescing
Contact: Susan Stein

Chevra Kadisha
Chesed Shel Emet of preparing a Mais for Halachic burial
Contact: Dan Grabenstein h: 717-652-1607 & o: 717-657-0003

Fundraising Committee
Fundraising projects including Annual Raffle and Purim Mishloach Manot
Contact: Stan Lewin, 717-580-3094

Investment Committee
Study of and recommendations about Kesher Israel’s investment assets
Contact: Ben Altman. To connect, call KI’s Office

Life and Legacy Committee
Ensures the future of KI through bequests
Contact: Barry Stein

Programming Committee
Organize and plan out events on the congregations calendar
Contact: Holly Engleman

Recruitment Committee
Planning and decision making about outreach to potential new members, from both Harrisburg and out of town
Contact: Stan Lewin